Michigan secretary of state refund request form

Telephone: 1-517-636-4486

Check the date Treasury is currently processing returns
Check if your refund has been issued, and when, for the current year and three prior years
Ask Treasury a question
Check estimated payments
Request copies of returns filed
Order copies of current and prior year tax forms

Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TTY) is available 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., EST, Monday - Friday. Deaf, hearing- or speech-impaired persons may call 517-636-4486 for assistance.

If you or your spouse owes a debt to the State of Michigan or to a third party that is requiring the state to retain all or part of the refund, Treasury must satisfy this debt before issuing your refund. Examples of third party debts Treasury must satisfy include child support arrearages and debts covered by a garnishment served against the tax refund or credit. If this situation occurs, you will receive a letter stating the tax refund amount and to which debt it was applied. Depending upon the amount of the debt, there could be no remaining state tax refund.