What’s the ideal AVID class preparation for college admissions?

Hello friends, I'm planning my junior year schedule and wondering about adding an AVID class to boost my college application. Is it worth it and what benefits have you seen from taking AVID in high school when applying to colleges?

9 months ago

Hi there! It's great to hear you're thinking ahead about your junior year schedule. AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) can be an excellent addition. This class is designed to help students, particularly those traditionally underrepresented in higher education, to develop the skills they need for college success. It usually focuses on writing, critical thinking, teamwork, organization, and reading skills.

From my experience, students who commit to AVID often see a boost in their organizational and study abilities, which can lead to stronger grades and enhanced academic preparedness for college-level work. Additionally, AVID classes sometimes offer guidance on the college application process, which can make you feel more confident when navigating applications, essays, and deadlines. It also often includes college tours, which can help you in choosing a college that fits you well.

However, remember that taking AVID is just one piece of the puzzle. Colleges will look at your entire application, including your grades, test scores, extracurriculars, essays, and letters of recommendation. If you're already strong in the areas AVID covers, it might be more beneficial to focus on advanced courses in your areas of interest or to deepen your extracurricular involvement. Wishing you the best as you plan your junior year!

9 months ago

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