Wearable Devices in Medical Internet of Things: Scientific Research and Commercially Available Devices

1 Center for Life Science Automation, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany.

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Kerstin Thurow

1 Center for Life Science Automation, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany.

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Regina Stoll

2 Institute of Preventive Medicine, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany.

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Corresponding Author: Mostafa Haghi, MSc. Center for Life Science Automation, University of Rostock, Rostock 18051, Germany. Tel: +49-17665592690, ed.acsilec@ihgah.afatsoM

Received 2016 Dec 15; Revised 2017 Jan 24; Accepted 2017 Jan 24. Copyright © 2017 The Korean Society of Medical Informatics

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Wearable devices are currently at the heart of just about every discussion related to the Internet of Things. The requirement for self-health monitoring and preventive medicine is increasing due to the projected dramatic increase in the number of elderly people until 2020. Developed technologies are truly able to reduce the overall costs for prevention and monitoring. This is possible by constantly monitoring health indicators in various areas, and in particular, wearable devices are considered to carry this task out. These wearable devices and mobile apps now have been integrated with telemedicine and telehealth efficiently, to structure the medical Internet of Things. This paper reviews wearable health care devices both in scientific papers and commercial efforts.


MIoT is demonstrated through a defined architecture design, including hardware and software dealing with wearable devices, sensors, smart phones, medical application, and medical station analyzers for further diagnosis and data storage.


Wearables, with the help of improved technology have been developed greatly and are considered reliable tools for long-term health monitoring systems. These are applied in the observation of a large variety of health monitoring indicators in the environment, vital signs, and fitness.


Wearable devices are now used for a wide range of healthcare observation. One of the most important elements essential in data collection is the sensor. During recent years with improvement in semiconductor technology, sensors have made investigation of a full range of parameters closer to realization.

Keywords: Delivery of Health Care, Information Storage and Retrieval, Internet, Mobile Applications, Smartphone, Telemedicine

I. Introduction

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new concept, providing the possibility of healthcare monitoring using wearable devices. The IoT is defined as the network of physical objects which are supported by embedded technology for data communication and sensors to interact with both internal and external objects states and the environment [1].

In the last decade, wearable devices have attracted much attention from the academic community and industry and have recently become very popular. The most relevant definition of wearable electronics is the following: “devices that can be worn or mated with human skin to continuously and closely monitor an individual's activities, without interrupting or limiting the user's motions” [2]. Table 1 provides more transparent information on the importance of wearable devices and the IoT market [3,4,5].

Table 1

Importance of wearable devices and Internet of Thing (IoT) in market

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Today, the range of wearable systems, including micro-sensors seamlessly integrated into textiles, consumer electronics embedded in fashionable clothes [6], computerized watches, belt-worn personal computers (PCs) with a head mounted display [7], glasses [8], which are worn on various parts of the body [9] are designed for broadband operation. The field of wearable health monitoring systems is moving toward minimizing the size of wearable devices, measuring more vital signs, and sending secure and reliable data through smartphone technology. Although there has been an interest in observing comprehensive bio/non-bio medical data for the full monitoring of environmental, fitness, and medical data recently [10], but one obvious application of wearable systems is the monitoring of physiological parameters in the mobile environment. The majority of commercially available wearable devices are one-lead applications to monitor vital signs. However, most of such recreational devices are not suitable for the medical monitoring of high risk patients. Those devices that have been qualified for medical use are usually simple [11].

The objective of this paper is to review wearable health care devices both in scientific papers and commercial efforts. Our aim is to address the most important wearable devices, which measure effective parameters in health status directly. Readers can obtain comprehensive and useful information on the most reliable currently available devices and technical concepts in this area.

The rest of this review paper is organized as follows. The need for health monitoring when the user is in motion and under changing environmental conditions are investigated in Section II. In Section III recent research efforts in wearable devices are presented in three subsections. The first subsection discusses motion tracking and the research approaches and implementations in this area, and then some of the most recent commercial devices are compared. We then discuss the monitoring of environmental conditions and vital signs through wearable devices in subsections 2 and 3. In Section IV, the challenges of potentially available devices are discussed. Conclusion are finally summarized with suggestions for future works.

II. Wearable Devices in Health Monitoring

In today's world, where time is precious, people, the working class especially, spend most of the day shuttling between various tasks and tend to ignore their health and fitness [6]. Even a simple appointment with a doctor in a clinic can require several tests set for diagnosis, prescription, and finally treatment, which can take a lot of time. Therefore, many patients only go to a clinic when they are suffering from a serious illness. Hence, many people are seeking for an alternative, such as a device that can be worn on the body, which would not only continuously monitor the user's health in real time but also provide timely insights on various health parameters to the user as well as his or her physician [6].

1. Motion Trackers

The measurement of human movement (motion tracking) has several useful applications in sports, medical, and other branches of studies. Such applications include fall risk assessment, quantifying sports exercise, studying people habits, and monitoring the elderly. Wearable trackers are becoming increasingly popular for two main reasons. They can motivate the user during the daily workout to perform more exercise, while providing activity measurement information through a smartphone without manual calculation [12]. Also, they enable the wearer to become aware of the daily distance walked, which is very useful to ensure that the user maintains sufficient activity in the daily routine to maintain a healthy life. In particular, to accurately observe motion of the human body, 3-axis accelerometers, magnetometers, and gyroscopes sensors obtain data, each for a specific purpose. These sensors can be used for human activity recognition in the ubiquitous computing domain as well [13]. Gyroscopes and magnetometers are auxiliary sensors that can be separately be combined with accelerometers to compensate the lack of accuracy in obtained data for motion tracking. In most cases, the combination of these three sensors lead to 9DoF.

Human motion detection has a wide range of application, from sports and recreation to biomedical. In recent years, consumer electronics have employed many semiconductor-based tracking system to allow users to access various kinds of interface control that use body motions and gestures [14]. An important application of motion tracking is health care. However, due to need for high accuracy in the biomedical field, these devices are not typically designed only for medical application. The initial concept of using uniaxial accelerometer sensors in motion tracking was introduced in 1996 by Veltink and Boom [15]. To introduce the concept of motion tracking in the medical application world, multiple clinical studies have been performed on posture estimation using accelerometers [16,17,18]. An accelerometer alone cannot provide precise information; therefore, in 1997, researchers improved the performance of trackers and integrated semiconductor-based gyroscopes to perform bio-mechanical assessments and gait analysis [19]. Four years later in 2002, Mayagoitia et al. [20] introduced the initial framework of tracking lower extremities with a fusion of accelerometers and gyroscopes in the 2D sagittal plane. When the trackers became more reliable using an integrated gyroscope, the primary focus for clinical applications using inertial motion tracking was gait analysis [21]. To apply this device for clinical purposes, and in particular gait motion, gravity sensitive accelerometers are used to estimate the tilt angles between the gravity vector and the sensor's axes [19]. The first version of the most recently integrated sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer) which provide very accurate data with 9DoF, was proposed in 2006 by Roetenberg [22]. He proposed using a set of tri-axial accelerometers, tri-axial gyroscopes, and a magnetometer to estimate and monitor human motion.

A few 9DoF wireless inertial measurement units (IMUs) are commercially available and have been used for research projects [23,24,25]. Due to the high risk of falling in the elderly, motion trackers as wearable devices are used in medical health monitoring for fall detection.

1) Motion measurement in body tracking

A new design was presented by Bertolotti et al. [26] to apply for objective measurements of trunk or limb movements for the assessment of human body balance and control abilities. This system is based on a 72 MHz, 32-bit CPU (STM32F303VC; STMicroelectronics, Geneva, Switzerland) embedding a high performance ARM CortexM4, 32-bit RISC core, with the potential of supporting several sensors externally with high performance in both SPI and I2C mode. In this research, the sensor components (STMicroelectronics sensors) have a linear range and a sensitivity that allow proper measurement of body movements. Online processing, in the sense of data acquisition from different sensors, filtering, and data generation are performed at a high frequency of up to 72 MHz. Body movements are measured using 9DoF sensors: three inertial sensors, an accelerometer, a magnetometer, and a gyroscope. The full-scale values of the sensors can be modified by means of specific commands sent by the microcontroller [27,28]. The size of the whole device, including all components in the box (circuit board, the Bluetooth module, and the battery) are 60 mm × 35 mm × 20 mm. The box is made of transparent plastic to allow the observation of LED indicators working on the board. The device proposed and implemented by this research group was designed to be used for three kinds of movement monitoring. The first and second types of movement monitoring are referred to as short- and long-term data monitoring. In the first type, the device is only connected to a PC to observe the results. In the second case, data are observed and locally stored for long-term monitoring. In the third type, the most important component is the body network, i.e. multiple units deployed on the subject's body and wired to a gateway unit, which can have a local memory or a wireless connection to a PC or hand-held device (full body monitoring of exercises) [29].

2) Commercially available user devices applied in research papers

The following two subsections report on the advantages and disadvantages of commercially available devices and the tools that have been used in research for performance evaluation.

(1) Part 1: Comparison of nine motion tracking devices applied in research

In the first part, nine devices with different evaluated parameters are presented in Table 1 and are compared [29]. To identify the benefits, some expected merits have to be determined and comparison is performed based on it. Long-term monitoring for further diagnosis is one of the main purposes of health care monitoring. To achieve this aim, a device has to store data temporarily in memory and send it to a cloud computing or medical station to be stored permanently. To fulfill these necessities, data buffering, which requires SD memory and RAM are of concern. On the other hand, for data transmission, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi compatibility are essential.

Many of these devices come only with customized software application. Some of them allow a user to build his/her commercially devices own application on it but others. A characteristic that, at the first glance, does not sound crucial is the firmware. To take full advantage of a development kit, in some cases, customization is necessary, but not all device manufacturers provide such compatibility.

Here, the nine devices that have been used and investigated in research are introduced, and important features are studied. Wearable devices are restricted by several factors. The most critical elements are size, battery life, weight, and capability of adding on-board sensors. In Table 2 , all mentioned elements are compared, and additional parameters, including connectivity, software, and firmware compatibility are taken into consideration.