Preference points

bighorn sheep

Preference points are a way to improve your odds of eventually drawing a license in a hard-to-draw hunt area.

In the draw, 75 percent of available licenses in each hunt area and license type will be allocated to the preference-point drawing. In Wyoming, preference points rank applicant pools. The remaining 25 percent of available licenses will be allocated in a random drawing, regardless of preference points. The random drawing is intended to provide everyone who applies a chance to draw a license, regardless of their preference-point total. Youths can apply for preference points when they are 11 years old when submitting a preference point-only application and must be at least 12 by Dec. 31 of that year.

You can apply for preference points for:

Nonresident elk

Nonresident deer

pronghorn antelope buck

Nonresident antelope

Resident and nonresident moose

Resident & nonresident full price bighorn sheep

Application strategies Species info


Species Price
Resident Moose $7
Resident Bighorn Sheep $7


Some suggestions when applying for licenses with the preference point option:

Preference points work differently for each species.

Find preference point information for Full Price Elk, Deer, and Antelope Preference Points (Nonresidents Only) and Moose and Full Price Bighorn Sheep Preference Points (Residents and Nonresidents).

Full Price Elk, Deer and Antelope Preference Points (Nonresidents Only)

For nonresident full-price elk, deer and antelope, preference points can be accumulated by applying for a preference point during the preference point-only application period. The preference point fees that must be remitted are $52 for elk, $41 for deer and $31 for antelope ($10 for youth for each species).

For nonresident full-price elk, full-price deer and full-price antelope, an individual’s accumulated preference points are only considered in the initial drawing for the applicant’s first choice in the preference point drawing.

For nonresident full price elk, full price deer and full price antelope, an applicant will lose all accumulated preference points if they draw their first choice license in the initial limited quota drawing or if they fail to purchase a preference point during the application period for two (2) consecutive years.

For party applications, all of the applicants’ preference point totals will be averaged to determine the preference point ranking used in the initial preference point drawing.

No preference points exist for reduced-price cow/calf or reduced-price doe/fawn licenses. Applicants for reduced-price licenses retain their preference points if successful in the reduced-price license drawing, and they accumulate preference points if they are unsuccessful in drawing these license types.

Moose and Full Price Bighorn Sheep Preference Points (Residents and Nonresidents)

For moose and full price bighorn sheep, preference points can be accumulated either by submitting an application for the limited quota drawings or by purchasing a preference point during the preference point only application period using the online system.

All resident applicants who are unsuccessful drawing a moose or full price bighorn sheep license will automatically be awarded a preference point each year they participate in the limited quota drawing.

If opted in on the application, nonresidents will have the applicable moose ($150) and/or full price bighorn sheep ($150) preference point fees deducted from their license refund. Residents will receive a full refund of their license fee.

If residents don’t participate and nonresidents don't opt in for a preference point in the limited quota drawing for moose or full price bighorn sheep, they may purchase a preference point during the preference point only application period using the online system. The resident fee to purchase a moose or full price bighorn sheep preference point is $7. The nonresident fee to purchase a moose preference point is $150 and the nonresident fee to purchase a full price bighorn sheep preference point is $150.

For moose and full price bighorn sheep, an applicant will lose all accumulated preference points if they draw a license or if they fail to be awarded a preference point within two (2) consecutive years by either participating in the limited quota drawing or purchasing a preference point during the appropriate application period.

A successful applicant for moose or full price bighorn sheep must wait five (5) years before they will become eligible to participate in either the limited quota drawing or purchase preference points.

Here are some important things to know about preference points: