The Owner
J. Allen Byrne, has 42 years’ experience in the battery backed power industry including power system design, integration and installation of DC, UPS and industrial power systems. Known throughout the industry, Allen's credentials include:
- Senior Member of the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE).
- Member of the IEEE Standards Association
- Member of the IEEE Power and Energy Society®.
- Member of the IEEE Energy Storage and Stationary Battery Committee.
- Vice-chair of IEEE Std 1187™-2013. IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
- Vice-chair of IEEE Std 1188™ IEEEE recommended Practice for Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Batteries for Stationary Applications
- One of the initiators and founders of Battcon, the International Stationary Battery Conference
- Chair of Battcon Conference 1998 – 2013
- Battcon Battery Person of the Year 2005
- Inducted into Battcon Hall-of-Fame 2011
- Editorial Board and Contributing Editor of Power Quality Assurance Magazine 1995 – 2000
- Chair of battery portion of the Power Systems World Conference 1988 – 2001
- Contributor to IEEE, ATIS, BICSI, NFPA, NERC PRC-005 and other power system related code and standard setting bodies
- Original author of the Power Distribution chapter of the Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual published by the Building Industry Consulting Service International, (BICSI)
- Presented power system related papers or lectured at the following national and international conferences, some multiple times. 7 x 24 Exchange, ACUTA, Applied Power Electronics, Battcon, BICSI, Combustion Turbine Operators Technical Forum, Critical Power, Data Center World, Disaster Avoidance, Edison Electrical Institute, Facilities America, GE 7EA Turbine Users Group, InfoBatt Canada, INTELEC, Power System World, Remote Monitoring and Networking
- Provided power system and battery training to multiple major corporations
- Performed power and grounding audits at over 300 mobile telephone sites